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Ideal Fastener

Thank you for considering me for the Graphic Designer position and allowing me to make this presentation for you. Because the role will deal with web-based graphics, I figured creating a website for the presentation would be ideal to showcase some of my capabilities. I created this site (and my portfolio) using a combination of Wix, Photoshop, and Sublime (HTML).

About Me

I am a Graphic Designer working out of Miami, FL. My story began in Miami, coming from Cuban parents and has taken me all over the world: from Venice, Madrid, London, San Francisco, New York, only to end up back here in Miami. 

Traveling, photography, eating, working out, music, TV, collecting video games (playing them too of course),  guitar and soccer are a cut-down list of my hobbies.

Photo on 8-20-21 at 11.05 AM #2.jpg


3D model integration on web: This 3D model is directly integrated into this presentation using an application called Vectary. There is a paid version that allows you to remove the watermark and further customize the 3D viewer. The 3D Ray Gun was modeled using Autodesk Maya.


Graphic design: This image was created to promote TMG Mortgages and increase brand presence on social media. The TMG logo was extruded and modeled in Photoshop, then textured and rendered in 4k using Substance Painter.

Gif creation and web integration: This 360° GIF animation was created using the Johnny Swunk logo for Both the model and animation were created using Photoshop.

Video editing: This is a video created using Premiere and Logic Pro X to promote the creation of The video was created by cutting together sourced video clips, adding text, sound effects and the logo in GIF form for the end screen.


Web design: This presentation website was created using Wix to showcase some of my graphic design abilities, but also to showcase my ability to craft a fluid and easy to navigate website with various forms of media integrated directly into it.




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